Friday, May 29, 2009

The NEXT Conference

Next was a wonderful experience!!! I learned so much from all of the speakers. Worshiping with so many other Christians was just great. Seeing and being able to meet some awesome people was so neat-o. I feel really blessed to have been able to go this year!

I don't know exactly where to start, but I thought I would share some points from the sermons that stuck out to me.

--Josh Harris explained that Jesus Christ is preeminent in every way possible. He explained that people like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are known as preeminent people yet, Jesus Christ is overall and number one. That is so true because we can do great and amazing things in life, but we have to understand that only God can help us to do great things and only through God are all things possible.

--Kevin DeYoung: Being tormented by Satan is better than being proud.

--C.J. Mahaney talked about our fear of death. I know I can fall into having fear of death, but listening to him preach on that subject helped me to remind myself that living with God in heaven will be 100 times better than the fallen world we are in today. It will be such a wonderful day when we see God in heaven!

Those are just a few points that stood out to me. The sermons were really convicting.

I took a bunch of Pictures while I was there!! So many photo opportunities! Unfortunately, many of the pictures that I took inside of the place where the actual session was were really blurry. Here is a slide show of some that I took, but you can always click on the slide show to view all pictures from the slide (It might open up in a new tab). Some of them are out of place :d..... anyway here they are! Btw, the Next photographers did an awesome job! You can view their photos here!!

We all had such a great time hanging out together!

I really hope to go next year!!

-Allyson Janell

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